Sunday, January 13, 2008


Ganabaj amik ingii-tasoonaa.

Geget igo amik imaa ayaa wanii'iganing.

Gichi-amik, wiinge naa mindido.

Miigwech nimishoomis.

Miziwe Mikwamiikaa idash Goonikaa

Agoojin mikwam imaa waakaa'iganing.

Miziwe inaabiyaan, ishpagonigaa.Giwaabandaan ina madoodoo-wigamig?

Goon abi imaa agijaya'ii zhaabandowaaning.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Day Two of the Trout Lake Canoe Trip

Aaaah, how sweet....
Camp fires are one of the many good things about being outdoors.
Lucia was even able to catch Lake you think she looks a little frightened?
Will the real Pebaam please step forward.
On the last day which was our fifth day there, Lucia was the only one that caught any trout.

Trout Lake Canoe Trip

Our first canoe trip to a remote lake called Trout lake. We pulled our two canoes to the portage which was at the deep end of Red Gut Bay.
We then paddled to the portage where the rapids were beautiful.
In between the two portages was another set of rapids which was just as beautiful as the previous one.
The first sunset was outstanding.
The first morning we went out fishing, we caught two lake trout. Pebaam caught one and Niiyo-Giizhig caught two.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Okaadenigewag ingiw
gaa-niibawiwaad imaa ozhibii'igewigamigong.

Wii-okaadenige gaye wiin a'aw Migizikwe,

Okaadenige a'aw Emii gii-niibawid miinawaa gii-agindaasod.

Gaawiin okaadenigesii a'aw ikwe idash odagindaan "bible" ezhinikaadeg.

"Ninde-wiisin.." gii-ikido a'aw gikinoo'amaagan.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wanii'igeng miinawaa Agoodoowin

Aaniin ezhichiged a'aw ikwe? Biwaabik odakonaan. Aaniin dash waa-ayaabajitood?

Nashke miinawaa bezhig ikwe, gegoo odoozhitoon. Awegonen dinowa ozhitood? Nagwaagan odoozhitoon. Ominwendaan ezhichiged.

Niiwin nagwaaganan ingii-agoodoomin idash ingii-nagwaanaamin bezhig waabooz eta. Gegaa ojiimaan waaboozoon.

"Wow" ikidowag ingiw ikwezensag. Amik gii-tasoozo. Gii-biboong, niminwendaan wanii'igeyaan.

Gii-biboong, wayiiba onaagoshig bangishimo gimishoomisinaan.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Awenenag ingiw awesiiyag?

Dibishkoo ma'iingan miinawaa mooz izhinaagoziwag.
Nashke awedi miinawaa bezhig ma'iingan biijibatoo!
Niswi dashiwag ingiw ma'iinganag.
Omiigaanaawaan moozoon ingiwedig ma'iinganag.

Ogagwe-nisaawaan moozoon, ganabaj wii-wiisiniwag.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Noongom zhebaa agwajiing ingii-inaab.

Gii-tagoshin gaa-bebooniked akiwenziinh, ingii-inendam.
Niminwenimaa a'aw goon. Aapiji mino-naagwad misiwe inaabiyaan.

Mii dash ji-maajii-aadizookeyang.

Miziwe gii-waabishki-inaagwad.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Leaving Hawaii

Upon leaving, I have a few reflections on the highlights of our trip to Hawaii.

When we went to Hilo and visited Volcanoe National Park, I got to see first hand how Creation was created. Lava came up from the ocean and erupted which in turn cooled and turned into rock. Rocks piled on top of each other and eventally became land. Seeing this, it was like standing at the dawn of time and watching creation be created. This was so amazing, seeing how the Creator created creation. I was awed.

The second thing would have to be the immersion efforts that the Hawaiians are involved in. Yesterday we visited another immersion school and met the staff and a special tour of the school. The land is utilized as part of the curriculum and seeing the gardens being fed by natural water flow was inspiring. Seeing the classrooms all written in the Hawaiian language was equally inspiring. Seeing this gave me hope for all Indigenous people of the world.

Next year the NIEA conference is going to ne hosted here in Honolulu and the president of the organization gave us a special invitation to attend who also happened to be our tour guide. She was very gracious in hosting us and took us out to a very expensive restuarant with a table by the ocean. We ate sea food and got to see the sun set from a large picture window while ships passed by in the harbour. This was imoressive.

After supper we took a last stroll down Waikiki beach and bought some last minute items to bring home with us. The weather, the healthy looking people, the good food and good hospitality will stay with me for a long time.

Hanauma Bay is a under water nature perserve where we went snorkeling. Attached are a few pictures of that place.