Saturday, October 14, 2006

Techno savy bush Shinaab

I gotta tell you guys this...I am so excited.

Well first it is Saturday and I am reflecting back on my week and thinking about my techno journey assignment. On Tuesday I used technology to run a language table. (I know, I brave of me)
I had my lap top booted up and I was projecting with a Proxima projector. (I sound so cool knowing what to call it) I was showing video clips from a CD Rom, running a slide presentation from pictures I took on my digital camera, delivering a language lesson and showcasing a langauge booklet that I have been working on. I was so impressed with myself that I just felt so techno savy. (then I saw Nora's blog....aaay) I thought to myself, not bad for a bush Indian.
That experience prompted me and encouraged me to try using technology to teach with. So I did. My lap top was hooked up in the classroom and I was projecting on the screen, my lesson. Wow I thought to myself. I went from the 20th century to the 21st century at the speed of light or whorp speed at the least. I was using my two fingers to type with and using a laser pointer to highlight various aspects of the lecture. Being able to do that, I decided that I would like to put all my lectures on the lap top and learn other programs like power point (I know everyone knows power point but not me...)
I also bought myself a little flash drive and it is like carry around a little pocket computer. That little thing can carry so much, like pictures, documents...and then it was filled up. I quickly realized then that it could only carry so much.

So far this is what I have learned on my techno journey.


Blogger Helen MR said...

Pebaam, I am reading this while I am at a conference. I think everyone around me is wondering why I am grinning from ear to ear since the session we are in is not funny or cause for the look of delight that I am trying not to show on my face!! However, I am so tickled by your entry and by how your journey is moving along by such leaps and bounds. You are turning into a veritable geek here!! :)

So my questions for you as you learn all of these things and try out the new technologies in your teaching: (a) to what extent do you think this [technology] is improving your students' learning and their enjoyment of your teaching? (b) to what extent is it improving your teaching and your enjoyment of your teaching?

4:23 PM  
Blogger Pebaam said...

Helen (and anyone else)
A veritable geek doesn't sound so bad, coming from you I'm sure its a compliment.

To answer your questions:(a)I asked the students about my use of technology in the classroom and they love it and said welcome to the 21st century. They really like the visual aides because most language learners are right brain learners therefore the visual is much more conducive to their learning style especially the learner that learns more productively with images.
question:(b) I am loving it. Originally I thought technology and traditional teachings were not compatible until I witness an elder do a talk on traditional teachings using a powerpoint. After I saw that I made a connection between the two. I think I was meant to see that because it impacted me in a positive way.
In my vast experience with using technology to teach with (one week) I see a lot of possibilities. I asked myself...self..what took you so long? I notice and forsee that technology in the classroom provides for a variety of medians for the students to learn from. The variety helps those with short attention spans too. As you know variety is the spice of life and my life all of a sudden has a variety of seasonings.

2:04 PM  
Blogger Pebaam said...

Helen (and anyone else)
A veritable geek doesn't sound so bad, coming from you I'm sure its a compliment.

To answer your questions:(a)I asked the students about my use of technology in the classroom and they love it and said welcome to the 21st century. They really like the visual aides because most language learners are right brain learners therefore the visual is much more conducive to their learning style especially the learner that learns more productively with images.
question:(b) I am loving it. Originally I thought technology and traditional teachings were not compatible until I witness an elder do a talk on traditional teachings using a powerpoint. After I saw that I made a connection between the two. I think I was meant to see that because it impacted me in a positive way.
In my vast experience with using technology to teach with (one week) I see a lot of possibilities. I asked myself...self..what took you so long? I notice and forsee that technology in the classroom provides for a variety of medians for the students to learn from. The variety helps those with short attention spans too. As you know variety is the spice of life and my life all of a sudden has a variety of seasonings.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Waase said...


ahhh, I'm too tired to be clever. Saturday was nice, but I was sick in Detroit Lakes. I fell asleep on my auntie's couch and woke up dizzy and disoriented, the house was dark and I was all alone. All alone, in the darkness, in detroit lakes.

I wanted to say very clever things about your very cleverliness as a new techno-wonder. But, I am shot and I looked at Nora's blog and now I have blogger envy.

I hope you have a fascinating techno-production for tomorrow. I am expecting that you have mastered something new over the weekend.

w aa se gi niw i kwe

10:51 PM  
Blogger Pebaam said...

waa se gi ni wi kwe,

You entered your name this way...are you all broken up? or worse yet are you falling apart?
Anyways, I hope not.

Techno-wonder eh? Are you sure you are talking about me?
We missed you at language table. I did use some technology however...people laughed when I said 'I am now going to switch medians' and then I pulled out a laser pointer.
The lesson was taking words apart, using the microsoft word program, as a pronunciation exercise.

We wondered where you where as your name came up a few times.

Hey I just thought of something...should I post this on my blog or your blog? mmmm maybe I'll just post it.

8:52 PM  

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