Friday, October 20, 2006

Is technology my niij?

This week I questioned the relationship that I am developing with my new found friend, my niij. Now that the honey moon stage is over, are we really compatible and do we have a future together?

Well this has been a trying week for me with technology. I set aside Saturday to do work and the home computer would not pull up the article I needed. I am not quit sure why but it just didn't which made me think of a few choice words. I then tried using the lap top but for some reason I disengaged it from connecting to the internet. Again I did not know how I did that. So the weekend went by without any work being done. On Monday then, I decided to copy the article into my documents, which I did. When I got home, I realized then, that I did not put it on my flash drive to transfer to my lap top. So in total, four days went by while I struggled with just reading the assignment. Thursday morning I was able to read it and offer my insights.
One of the things I liked about it was I had both the article and my response up at the same time and as I read, I created my response. I moved back and forth from document to document and I was quit pleased with myself. I know, I know everybody does it but that was a first for me.

I was also reflecting on the use of technology for teaching. Technology seems to disassociate the teacher from the learner and meaningful interaction is sacraficed. I had that feeling when I had finished a lesson using the lap top and the LDS projector. I then asked myself about the amount of technology that is used for teaching and how technology has a way of consuming the user, at least in my case. I think the addictive aspect of it came into play then. I decided to apply the anishinaabe philosophy of 'everything in moderation' and use a variety of teaching methods and be versitile in the delivery. That is the solution I am opting with.

The blog option of doing a short cut to all the entries has my mind boggled. I am boggled by my blog. I asked my tech guy to help me and he made it look easy. I said, I think I can do it now. After he was gone, I couldn't do what he was doing. However I am determined to get unboggled.

The final aspect of my techno journey thus far that I wish to comment on is the time factor. I find that I need to fine tune my time management skills in order to get everything done in a timely fashion. I am creating all the short cuts that I can because of the limited time that I have. Just to give an example of my workload, currently, I am teaching an overload of courses, one more on top of my regular three plus this master program. I also help run four language tables in the evenings. My boss asked me when do I find time to sleep in which I responded, sleep...I knew I was forgetting something.
Such is my schedule and my relections on technology use thus far.

I conclude with... technology? can I make a good fit with you and I?


Blogger Waase said...

Ah Pebaam,

I was just about to toss my computer out tonight and well, we are rather attached. Then I thought of you. I thought, Pebaam is moving so fast, I will learn from him. But if it is all over for you and technology... there can be no hope for me.

I like what you have to say about the technology creating an interaction gap between the teacher and learner. And I like your conclusion and solution. I hear that admitting that you have a problem is the first step.

This Grande assignment has been a struggle for everyone. Have you notice the lack of chatter on the webx? I read the article twice. Today I sat down and read it straight through. 11:00 to 5:15 (1/2 lunch break; union rules). It still ground on my brain.

Don't give up on technology yet. It can be tamed with moderation.

Plus you are finishing this program. I distinctly remember saying that you would.

waase giniw ikwe

12:04 AM  
Blogger Pebaam said...


Miigwech for your supportive words and encouragement. Sometimes, I really need that.

I am determined not to bomb.
Da baam will not bomb. Oh no...maybe I shouldn't use the word bomb on the internet...hay' too late.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Saagajiiwe said...

Pebaam, da baam,
Niminwendam ji-agindaan mii o'o gaa'ozhibii'aman! :)
It's thoroughly enjoyable to read your posts, i really get a picture of what you're experiencing. Well, you knew the honeymoon would end at some point. My gramma told me that relationships are a lot of work, work, work.
It's cool how you incorporate explanations of how your mind works as a techno-savvy bush shinob making his way through this journey! My sister's sweetie, who is a first speaker, reminds me from time to time that he has to hear something, translate it in his head into Ojibwemowin so he can think and understand, and then translate the reply back into english to communicate in most situations.
You totally rock! Anooj gegoo giminochige (apane) - anwebin, mii azhigwaa, gego dash anizhiitangen!

11:42 PM  
Blogger Brian Waabishkimakwa McInnes said...

Pebaamibines. Debwewag sa agow Anishinaabekwewag gaa-nakwetawikwaa. Giminochige wiikwajitooyan....gego wiikaa aanizhiitangen gaye giin. Giga-gashkitamaazomin gosha waa-inaabadendamang mazinaabikiwebinigani-gikinoo'amaadiwin.
Nizanagendaan go geniin waa-ni-nitaawichigeyaan. Bijiinag igo noongom indooshki-gikenjige gakina sa anow "blogs"an, "wiki"wan, mii go gaye "chat." Nawaj igo weweni giga-gikendaamin ezhi-wiidookodaadiyang. Weweni go niijii, Waabishki-makwa.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Pebaam said...

Miigwech Saagajiwe miinawaa waabishki-makwa for your words of support.

I had to look up the word aanizhiitam, for it's meaning. It's a good word.

Mii dash gekendamaan oshki-ikidowin. Gaawiin inga-aanizhiitanzii...weweni inga-izhichige.

1:17 PM  

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