Thursday, January 04, 2007

Giiwedinong Jiigibiij Ingii-izhaamin (Heading to the North Shore)

Gii-gichi-maangaashkaa iwidi

Before Don left, we drove to the north shore of the island where the waves were reported as being 25 feet high. The weather was so great that Laura and I sat in the back of the jeep with the top down and the wind blowing in our air. Hey I was being "Wind In His Hair"

Geget igo michaamagadinoon!

Don was so amazed at how huge the waves were that he tried to measure them.

Gego bagizoken imaa, ozhibii'igaade.

"Strong Current, if in doubt don't go out" is what the signs reads.

Aapichi minonaagwad miziwe


Check this out. Not the girls but the size of the waves coming in.

Gichi aabawaa imaa minising.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

was there a mini sing at the waves?

4:41 PM  

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