Saturday, November 11, 2006

My Techie is eye candy

Techie and her many personalities are coming out. Now that she is establishing residency, she is letting her hair down and getting comfortable.

One of her friends/personalities arrived this week. The modem for the wireless was shipped to the house but it is still in the box. Just gotta find time to take it out and hook it up. I find myself short on time these days so I need all the short cuts that I can take without sacraficing quality.

For my birthday this week, I recieved a web cam and a cordless mouse. The cordless mouse was easy to set up but not the web cam. I knew Waase Giniw Ikwe (our friendly co-hort down the street) had one of those gadgets so I asked for her help. What was needed was an additional program off the internet. Miigwech Waase Giniw Ikwe for hooking that up.
I went to class early the next day and projected my students on the web cam as they entered the classroom. They saw themselves on the big screen in the classroom and it was funny how they reacted when they saw themselves there, larger than life. Playing with Techie is a good way to get to know her.

I am really intrigued with power point because it is such an easy program and has many possibilities. It can take simple lecture material and turn it into eye candy. I must say that techie is visually pleasing. I now would like to turn a lot of my material in visually stimulating lectures. Again this takes time but I see the long term effects of that.

Working with a lap top, developing power point lectures, surfing the internet for information, adding to my blog, down loading articles for class reading, hooking up new technology, using a laser pointer, recording with the digital camera, using a proxima projector, hooking up with wireless internet, using a wireless all so new, fast and seemingly limitless.

Stay tuned to the saga when Pebaam the sky really the limit to getting to know techie...?


Blogger Deb said...

eye candy!!! LOL!!

6:35 PM  
Blogger Helen MR said...

Boozhoo Bizhiw,
Sorry I haven't visited your Gitchi Blog recently... I've been going into Pebaam withdrawal as I love reading about what you have been up to in "This Week With Pebaam's Technology." :) Thanks for visiting my blog!

I love the idea of having the web cam set up so students can see themselves as they come in. You could use this, too, to motivate attendance... tell them that you are recording the video as they come in and will use it to take attendance later... (! :) Just kidding. Something tells me there's probably a FERPA regulation about that somewhere!).

PowerPoint can be an incredible tool, especially if you use it to go beyond what you can normally do on the overhead or board. You can insert audio and video clips, as well as pictures. Seems like these would be great for what you teach. But you are right about it taking time to create. That's OK if you have the time and especially if you can use the slides you create for future classes. It's so easy to adapt existing presentations once you have the core content down. Have fun with this!

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaniin Pebaamibines. Apane go gimaamiikwenimin ge-ni-gikendaasoyan. Wenda-minwendaagwad waa-ni-aabadendaman sa gakina onow waasamoo-aabajichiganan. Mii go geniin, bijiinag igo noomaya weshki-gikendamaambaan ezhichigeyaan mazinaabikiwebiniganing. Awashime go wenipanad izhinagadendamang. Weweni sa gikenjigedaa ji-wiidookawang gigikinoo'amaaganinaanig. Mii iw

10:32 AM  
Blogger Waase said...

Geget! I'm glad the camera worked for class the next day. I was on tenderhooks after it hesistated at language table. I'm a super excited (Aaniin ekidong "super" anishinaabemong?) about your wireless connection. I think you will be too.

Let me know if all goes well with hooking it up.

waase giniw ikwe

9:01 PM  

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