Heading to Hilo
Hawaii is the name of the big island and it is the largest of all the islands. The three airlines are having a price war therefore it was relatively cheap to fly.
Imaa gikino'amaading ingii-izhaamin gii-tagoshinaang. Ingii-nagamotawigoonaan ingiw abinoojiiyensag. Aapiji gii-minotaagoziwag idash gii-jiikinaagoziwag igaye. We visited the immersion school when we arrived. These young pre-schoolers sang to us in Hawaiian as a way to greet us and they were just cute.Omaamaayan miinawaa odaanisan gii-biinichigewag imaa gikinoo'amaading. Gakina awiiyag wiidookaagewag ji-anokiimagak i'iw gikinoo'amaading. The mother and daughter here help to clean the school. Everone is involved in every aspect of the school to help it run smoothly.
Ingii-waabanda'ig aanind mazina'iganan gaa-ozhitoowaad. Gakina gegoo ozhibii'igaade Hawaiian-imowin. Pila Wilson is showing me some of the curriculum that they have developed here for the immersion school.
Nagweyaab gemaa manidoo miikana Hawaiian anishinaabe-bii'igaade. The colors of the rainbow are named in Hawaiian.
The school is very self sufficient. They raised their own pigs and tend to them daily. It is part of the curriculum. I would say the most impressive part was that everyone was staying in the language and they only switch to english for our benefit. They had me speak to the little ones in Anishinaabemowin and I told them that "Mahalo" is "Miigwech" in Ojibwe.
I think you forgot to mention the rain, rain, rain that came down the whole time we were there!!! LP
Wow! I am so jealous! geez, Dennis, you get to have all the fun! Glad you guys are having a good time in beautiful Hawaii. Tell Laura I say "Boozhoo!"
-Manidoo Ikwe
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